Microsoft Visual Basic 3.00 Microsoft Corporation Technical Notes TN003.TXT: GENER.VBX Custom Control Notes ======================================================================== ---------------------------------------------- Creating a Custom Control from an Existing DLL ---------------------------------------------- If you have an existing set of functions in a DLL, you can easily create a custom control that allows a user to access the functions indirectly. This allows you to use the custom control in Visual Basic as well as in Visual C++ environments. A custom control that provides a high-level interface to a set of DLL functions is referred to a wrapper. The Communications custom control, shipped in both the Visual Control Pack and the Visual Basic 3.0 Professional Edition, is an example of a custom control wrapper. The Control Development Guide contains Appendix E, "Creating a Custom Control from an Existing DLL", which explains some of the issues involved in creating a custom control wrapper. ---------------- GENER.VBX Sample ---------------- The GENER.VBX sample illustrates some techniques in creating a custom control wrapper. The sample is made up of the following files: GENER.C GENER.DEF GENER.H GENER.RC GENER.VBX GENERCD.BMP GENERCU.BMP GENEREU.BMP GENERMU.BMP GENFUN.C GENFUN.H MAKEFILE --------------- GENERAPP Sample --------------- The GENERAPP Visual Basic sample uses the GENER.VBX custom control. The sample is made up of the following files: GENERAPP.FRM GENERAPP.MAK